Monthly Archives: May 2013

after action report – digital detox

Today marks the end of 30 days of no social media which included no Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. While I wasn’t 100% compliant, I drastically decreased the amount of time that I spent wasted looking for some sort of instant gratification that just isn’t there. I’m not going to spend a ton of time recapping on this one because I think my update earlier this month pretty much sums it up. My plan for the future is to use it as a tool rather than a form of entertainment – at least Facebook and Pinterest. Instagram isn’t something that I can say I legitimately need in my life but it’s just so dang fun so I don’t think I’ll be quitting it but, maybe checking it less often. I had to add this cartoon because I think it’s so true about Smartphones.


A few ways that I plan to streamline my social media and technology usage are:

  • To always put my phone in the glove compartment while driving (should have been doing this a long time ago)
  • Not doing the default grab for the phone in a crowded elevator and talking to someone instead
  • Using stay focused to limit my social media and other goofing off at work
  • No watching TV and web surfing at the same time
  • Take a hard look at the friends I have on Facebook and slim it down
  • Just be thoughtful about unplugging more often and really focusing on what is happening around me
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summer wish list 2013


This Memorial day weekend we took a break from packing and wedding planning and headed to Eastern Washington. The weather wasn’t nearly as warm as I would have liked but it was a great chance to slow down and disconnect for a few days. We fit in 9 holes of golf, burgers, beers and lots of down time reading in lawn chairs. It was fabulous and made me think that no matter how busy and overwhelmed I might feel, there are so many things that are worth slowing down for.

I cringe a little to be writing yet another to-do list but with summer fast approaching and so many exciting things happening so fast, I want to make sure to take a few breaks to enjoy the season because it’s my favorite time of year.

1. washington brewers festival

2. throw a graduation bbq for my little sister (in our back yard!)

3. read a few new books: on my “to read” list: Becoming a Supple Leopard, Belong to Me, Never Let Me Go, A Feast for Crows

4. do a double header game day (sounders game + mariners game all in one day!)

5. get out on the water on a boat, paddle board or jet ski

6. find a summer perfume

7. make these refreshing looking drinks and the best iced coffee ever

8. see an outdoor movie

9. grill up one of these yummy recipes

10. get married! 🙂

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digital detox update


I’m twenty or so days into “anti-social media May” and I have to make a confession. I haven’t abstained 100% from Facebook and Pinterest (Instagram has been no problem-o). I started this month with the assumption that it would be a simple challenge and that social media didn’t fill any sort of legitimate need in my life but I think I may have been wrong in some ways. Here’s why I haven’t been 100% sticking to my challenge and why I will likely continue using social media in the future (but hopefully a little less).

1. I have all my wedding details pinned on Pinterest. 

I needed those details and to share them with people involved. This is the place I have them saved and it has worked as a really great resource. Pinterest can be a fantastic waste of time but, when used responsibly, can be inspiring and useful as a tool for projects and planning.

2. I had a birthday party to go to and all the details were in an event on Facebook. 

I probably could have reached out to the birthday girl and gotten the details directly from her but, it was much easier and quicker to log on and retrieve them from Facebook.  Planning events on Facebook is a really great way to organize people and share details (or changes in details) with a large group – saving time / sanity.

3. I had to find last names for addressing wedding invitations.

Again, I probably could have reached out and directly asked our guests – “how do you spell your girlfriend’s last name??” But this seemed a little more discrete and I’m a big fan of using whatever resources I have handy – even if that means Facebook stalking.

Overall, I guess what I’m trying to say here is that social media isn’t as evil as I thought it was when I started this challenge. I do however think that it gets a bit much when you’re checking for status updates at red lights (but maybe that’s just me??). From now on, I am hoping to think of it as a tool and not something that I mindlessly check every 15 minutes.



I’m probably late to the game on this one but, I discovered Humans of New York via Swiss Miss and I have been glued to my computer looking at every picture. Brandon takes photos of strangers in New York and shares them on this site. I think the quotes and bits of information about each person are my favorite part.